Devonshire Infant School

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Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Parents
  2. Remote Learning
  3. Activities by Year Group
  4. Year R Activities 3


Home Activities 3

Year R

If we were in school, we would be learning all about snails.


Watch the videos below to observe snails and find out interesting facts about snails.




Make a habitat for a snail.

Go on a snail hunt in your garden or in the park. Gently collect a snail.

Make a home for your snail, in a plastic or glass container.

Make sure the container has air holes at the top so the snail can breathe.

Put some soil at the bottom and put in some fresh leaves.

Try out different fruit and vegetables to see what they like to eat.
Use the snail activity book to show what you can find out about snails.


Click here for Snail project activity booklet


Read the story of ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson or watch the video.

The Snail and the Whale on BBC iplayer

Download this picture here

Maths Challenges

Making Patterns

Try to copy, continue or create your own patterns. Perhaps you could design your own fruit kebab patterns or make a pattern using beads, buttons, leaves, pebbles or shells.



Click here for a selection of games on this website to practice copying and continuing patterns

Odd and Even Numbers


Investigate whether small quantities are either odd or even by sharing into 2 groups by making pairs. Next time you go for a walk, take a look at the house numbers on each side of the road. What do you notice?


Click here for a great game to play to help you practice


Compare heights with your family. Who is taller than you? Who is shorter than you?

Draw around your foot and cut it out to make a paper footprint. Use it to measure the length of different things in your house.

Can you find some bits and pieces around the house or garden such as pencils, rulers, ribbons or leaves. Put the objects in order from the longest to the shortest.

Snail Art

This famous artwork is called The Snail by a famous artist called Matisse.

The Snail shows Matisse’s interest in bright colour.

The Snail is a collage made from pieces of brightly painted paper that have been cut out and stuck onto a canvas.

Why don’t you try and make one yourself at home.

You could also find out some more about the artist. He also made paintings and sculptures.


You could try to represent a snail or the snail’s spiral shell from all kinds of things from around the house like lids, dried pasta or pulses. If you are outside you could collect stones, pebbles or shells to make a spiral. Here are some ideas.

Or you could use corks and paint and print a snail.