Devonshire Infant School

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023 9273 4902

Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Gallery
  2. Summer 2022/2023
  3. Year 2 Summer 2023



The Badgers






The Foxes

Summer Term 2023

Year 2 have been very busy with statutory government testing this term, but we have found lots of time for fun as well!

African Art

The children have been learning about Kenya in Geography and Art, exploring traditional African masks and the artist Esther Mahlangu.

We created our own art based on her style and made our own African masks!


Disgusting sandwich

As part of our English topic we read the book The Disgusting sandwich’ by Gareth Edwards.

We found a VERY disgusting sandwich on the playground and wrote instructions for our own vile creations.

We used the book as a stimulus to write character descriptions, a setting and a narrative piece.

Plants & Bees

In Science we have been learning all about Bees and their importance to our environment.

Using this as a stimulus, we started our plants topic by planting bee attracting wildflowers and charted their growth.

Kenya writing

As part of our geography studies, the children have researched Kenya in Africa.

We compared the experiences of Kenyan school children to our own.

They were surprised that many children in Kenya do not get attend school and those who do may have to walk for an hour to get there!

We watched a live stream of a watering hole in Kenya each and loved seeing the different wildlife such as elephants, giraffes, zebras, turtles, and even a Marabou stork!

Farm trip

Our trip to Longdown Dairy Farm was wonderful, the weather was good, the children well behaved and engaged and we all had a great final Devonshire school trip.


Sports Day

We had a really enjoyable Sports Day afternoon. There were a great variety of activities such as hurdles and ball balancing.

Thank you to all of the parents who came to cheer us on and support us.



We loved our Zoolab visit from Anna.

It supported our learning about habitats and we got to observe and hold a variety of different creatures such as a corn snake, a tarantula, a tree frog and giant African snail!




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