Devonshire Infant School

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023 9273 4902

Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Gallery
  2. Spring 2020/2021
  3. Year 2 Spring 2021



The Badgers






The Foxes



Spring Term 2021

Well, this was obviously a bit of an unusual term as we had no visitors to school or any trips to different places.

However, the children have continued to work hard at school and we have covered lots of great topics.

The Great Fire of London

Year 2 have loved finding out all about the Great Fire of London! To help us think about what it might have felt like to be there, we took a trip back in our time machine and used our senses to help us.

We also had a visit from Samuel Pepys and we were able to ask him questions, which he did his best to answer for us.

As historians, we discovered how we know about the fire today and why the fire spread so voraciously.
In English, we wrote a diary entry from Samuel Pepys’ perspective. We then finished off the topic by working as a reporter and writing our own newspaper article to educate the rest of the country! Everyone wrote a fantastic newspaper report about the terrifying events.

In computing this term the children have been learning to use PowerPoint to present their Great Fire of London facts.

They found and added pictures to each slide before using animation to bring their slides to life.


Light & Dark

Towards the end of the term we learned about the symbols of light and darkness in religions.

We explored the festivals of Easter and Divali and thought about the roles that light and dark play in both of them.

The children also made their own diva lamp.

Racket Skills

The children have been lucky enough to have been taught racket skills by a coach during our PE lesson.

The coach was fantastic, creating games that were such good fun that the children didn’t even realise they were learning skills!

During lockdown the children who were at home were following the same learning that we doing in school.

There has been some fantastic home learning and we have loved looking through your books to see how hard you worked during your time at home. Well done!