Devonshire Infant School

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023 9273 4902

Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Gallery
  2. Spring 2022/2023
  3. Owls Spring 23

The Owls

Spring Term 2023

Andy Goldsworthy

As our spring term art week, the children learned about Andy Goldsworthy and looked at a large variety of his pictures of natural sculptures.

They used natural items to recreate his work and looked for patterns in his pictures.

They also used beans, pulses and pasta to create their own circular patterns.

Circus Week

This topic encouraged the children to develop their balance & co-ordination skills as they had daily sessions for a week, learning how to perform circus skills with a circus performer.

The balanced plates on sticks, juggled balls, scarves and feathers and even use stilts and tightropes.

On the last day the children dressed up and the circus came to school!

Learning Superheroes

The children were focused on the superheroes around them in their own school community, looking at what people do in their days that is like one of our school learning superheros’ characteristics.

They then painted their favourite learning superhero.

Growing plants & Cress!

The children have been learning about plant growth and they decided to plants some bulbs and cress seeds to see how far theirs might grow.

The cress grew quickly and we experimented to see what happened when half of it was put in a dark cupboard to grow.

They carefully observed the shoots over a few weeks.

They then watched their bulbs begin to grow and will hopefully see them flower in the new term.

Chinese New Year

The children celebrated the Chinese New Year by making lanterns, Chinese writing signs and lucky moneybags, which contained chocolate coins.

They found the writing tricky but preserved and did a good job.

They used their cutting skills to make slits in the lantern and make their bags

Spring & Easter

Now spring is in the air, the children have been searching for signs of spring.

They have thought about the changes and the new life they can see.

This also tied in with learning about the Christian Easter story and why we have Easter eggs as a symbol of new life.

They also had an Easter bunny sensory story.

They enjoyed an Easter egg hunt and made Easter cards.