Devonshire Infant School

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Francis Avenue, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO4 0AG

023 9273 4902

Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Gallery
  2. Spring 2023/2024
  3. Year 2 Spring 24



The Badgers






The Foxes


Spring Term 2024

Art Week - My Dog Sighs

Year 2 had a fabulous time learning all about our local street artist My Dog Sighs.

We explored the different kinds of art that he creates and then put our skills to the test by sketching a detailed eye and then creating our very own Everyman art.

The children all put their own creative flare into their work and the results were excellent!

The children’s favourite part was mixing the paints to make new colours and blending the background.

Well done Year 2!



Circus Skills week

We were very excited to welcome back Circus Skills week and the children loved learning new skills!

They practiced juggling, using a diablo and balancing a feather on their finger.

Once they had perfected their skills, Year 2 did a little performance to showcase their skills in a routine. They were marvellous!









Winchester Science Museum

At the beginning of Spring Term, Year 2 had a very fun-packed day visiting Winchester Science Museum as part of our Science curriculum.

They learned lots of new things about Space and how gravity works.

There were lots of different stations to develop their knowledge and understanding through audio, visual and physical interactions.

Our favourite part of the trip was the planetarium experience where we learned about the stars in our local area!