Devonshire Infant School

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Francis Avenue, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO4 0AG

023 9273 4902

Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Gallery
  2. Autumn 2021/2022
  3. Owls Autumn 2021

The Owls

Communication and Interaction Inclusion Centre



Autumn Term 2021



The children have been learning about the seasons and we listened to the story of Percy the Park Keeper ‘After the storm’.

The children created some collaged trees using natural materials we found around the school grounds, and we observed the trees around our school and made some tree rubbings.




After talking about ourselves, how we are similar and different to everyone in our class, the children observed carefully, what they and their uniform looked like using mirrors and then painted themselves.

Listening walk

The year 1 & 2 Owls went on a listening walk to examine the sounds around the school.

They were able to identify a number of sounds and with an adult scribing, created a mind map about their findings.

Nursery Rhymes

Another topic the children have been involved in is Nursery rhymes.

They have singing old one and learning new ones along with listening to the ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plum’ story who has a range of characters belonging to traditional tales and nursery rhymes.

They learnt to recite this story using a story map and actions.

They also made a display about nursery rhymes which included numbers.

They used their design and technology skills to create items for the display.





On the 5th of November the children discussed the safety of fireworks and used music to help them express their ideas with paint and glitter to make some stunning firework pictures.


Friendship Week

During November each year, Anti-bullying week is held nationally.

We join in with this to highlight anti-bullying with our ‘friendship week’, which we feel is a more positive use of words which our infant children can relate to.

We looked at what friendships are, how to make friends, how friendships have ups and downs and how to resolve conflicts.

We also talked about the meaning of bullying and what to do about it and who to talk to.

The children made friendship cards and told each other what they liked about each other to encourage positive relationships.


Art Week (Kandinsky)

The artist studied this term for the Reception aged Owls is Kandinsky.

They looked at his pictures, discussed his use of colour and recreated their own concentric circle and square designs, along with a Kandinsky style tree.

They use primary colours to learn about mixing secondary colours..


The Year 2 children have been looking at different materials and their properties.

They learnt about a range of materials and then tried to work out which were waterproof.

They used a pipette to drop the same amount of drops on each item to make it fair and waited to see if the water came through.

They decide the black bin liner would be best to make a jacket for teddy to keep him dry.