Devonshire Infant School

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Francis Avenue, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO4 0AG

023 9273 4902

Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. About Us
  3. Interaction Model



Devonshire Infant School provides a graduated response to each child dependent on their level of need. This approach is often referred to as the waves of intervention model which is shown below.






Waves of intervention for children with communication and Interaction needs:


  • The effective inclusion of all pupils in high-  quality everyday personalised teaching.
  • Clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson.
  • Careful explanation of new vocabulary.
  • Use of lively, interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic as well as auditory/verbal learning.




Dependent on assessed need, the following small group interventions may be provided:

  • A Group Education Plan to address specific areas of need.
  • Social use of language group.
  • Narrative Approach group.
  • Social skills group.
  • Speech and language group.




Dependent on assessed need, the following individual interventions may be provided:

  • An Individual Education Plan which sets personal targets on a regular basis.
  • Use of signs or symbol systems like Makaton or the Picture Exchange System PECS.
  • An individual visual timetable.
  • Social stories.
  • Support from a Teaching Assistant at points throughout the day.
  • A specific programme written by the Speech and Language Therapy Service.




Waves of intervention for children with cognition and learning needs:





  • The effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching
  • Clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson..
  • Careful explanation of new vocabulary.
  • Use of lively, interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic, as well as auditory/verbal learning.





Dependent on assessed need, the following small group interventions may be provided:

  • A Group Education Plan to address specific areas of need in reading, writing or numeracy..
  • Additional guided group work with the teacher or T/A.
  • Regular additional support from an adult to support the child’s thinking about how to approach a task or activity.
  • Hands on learning.




Dependent on assessed need, the following individual interventions may be provided:

  • An Individual Education Plan which sets personal targets, reviewed on a regular basis.
  • Support from a Teaching Assistant at points throughout the day.
  • Regular additional reading on a 1-1 basis with the Teaching Assistant or class volunteer reader.
  • A COPS (Cognitive Profiling System) test and follow up interventions to address areas highlighted e.g. memory games.
  • Activities broken down into smaller steps and presented visually for children to work through at their own pace.
  • Specific interventions outlined by an Educational Psychologist.
  • Precision teaching.


Waves of intervention for children with social, emotional and mental health needs:


  • The effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching.
  • Clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson.
  • Careful explanation of new vocabulary.
  • Use of lively, interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic as well as auditory/verbal learning.
  • Whole school curriculum for Personal, Social, health and emotional learning, including circle time and the use of the Social Emotional Aspects of Learning ( SEAL)





Dependent on assessed need, the following small group interventions may be provided:

  • Social skills group.
  • Careful attention to grouping children to ensure positive outcomes and avoid clashes.
  • A Group Education Plan to address specific areas of need in reading, writing or numeracy.
  • Regular additional support from an adult to support children’s thinking about how to approach a task or activity and to minimise anxiety.






Dependent on assessed need, the following individual interventions may be provided:

  • Social stories
  • Specific Interventions outlined by MABBS (Multi Agency Behaviour Service) and or CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
  • An Individual Education Plan which sets personal targets reviewed on a regular basis.
  • An individual Behaviour Plan which outlines the proactive and reactive interventions used in school and considers the risks for the child, other children and adults involved.
  • Support from a Teaching Assistant at points throughout the day.
  • The provision of a work station and aspects of the TEAACH approach (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children.
Waves of intervention for children with sensory or physical needs:


  • The effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching.
  • Clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson.
  • Careful explanation of new vocabulary.
  • Use of lively, interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic as well as auditory/verbal learning.





Dependent on assessed need, the following small group interventions may be provided:

  • Social skills group.
  • A Group Education Plan to address specific areas of need in reading, writing or numeracy.
  • Additional guided group work with the teacher or T/A.
  • Additional time given for some activities.
  • The Fine Motor Skills Programme.
  • BEAM (Balance Education and Movement)
  • Handwriting practice.



Dependent on assessed need, the following individual interventions may be provided:

  • An Individual Education Plan which sets personal targets reviewed on a regular basis.
  • Support from a Teaching Assistant at points throughout the day for short breaks.
  • Changes to the environment may be adapted on the advice of a physio or occupational therapist (OT).
  • Individual physio/OT programmes where appropriate.
  • Advice from the sensory impairment service.