Devonshire Infant School

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Francis Avenue, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO4 0AG

023 9273 4902

Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Parents
  2. Remote Learning
  3. Activities by Year Group
  4. Year 1 Activities 1

Home Activities 1

 Year 1


Maths Challenges

Count forwards to 100 from any number.

If you can count forward try counting backwards from any number.

Practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

Count objects in your house in 2’s.



Find 20 objects they can be anything you like.

Now split them into 2 groups. Which 2 numbers go together to make 20?

How many different 3D shaped things can you find in your house?


Play a game of Snakes and Ladders.


Ask your grown ups if they have any coins at home. Set up a toy shop at home and put prices on things. Ask your grown up to buy something from your shop using the correct money.

Solve a problem

Don’t forget you can use objects around the house to help you solve these.

Make an animal using toilet rolls

Don’t forget if you want to join the toilet rolls onto something else you can fix them in the same way we did when we made our castles.


Lego Challenge


Jack and the Beanstalk

Imagine Jack climbed to the top of the beanstalk but instead of a giant he found something different.

Draw a picture to show what he found and then write what happened.


Here are 2 activities you can do if you go outside

Minibeast Hunt

Making Pictures from thing you find outside