Devonshire Infant School

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Francis Avenue, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO4 0AG

023 9273 4902

Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Parents
  2. Remote Learning
  3. Activities by Year Group
  4. Owls Activities 1

Home Activities



Maths Challenges

Count forwards to 20 from any number.

If you can count forward try counting backwards from any number.

Count objects in your house. How many teddies have you got?

How many Lego bricks are there?


Write numbers to 10. If you can do this try writing numbers to 20.

How many different shaped things can you find in your house?

How many triangles, squares, circles and rectangles?




Play a game of Snakes and Ladders.


How many different ways can you make 5


Cutting Skills 

Scissor and cutting skills are really important for children to practice.

Draw a selection of lines/patterns on some paper for children to cut along.

There are also some ideas at:


Design your own character that could be in a fairy tale


Try and write a sentence about it.



Lego Challenge


Here are 2 activities you can do if you go outside

Minibeast Hunt

Making Pictures from thing you find outside