Devonshire Infant School

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Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Parents
  2. Remote Learning
  3. Activities by Year Group
  4. Year R Activities 4

Home Activities 4

Year R

If we were in school, we would be learning all about caterpillars and other amazing minibeasts.


Watch this video about a very hungry caterpillar!


Practise retelling the story to someone in your family.


If you were a caterpillar, what food would you munch your way through?
1 chocolate biscuit, 2 slices of pizza, 3 raspberries…
Draw a picture of the different types of food and write the number next to them.


The next time you are outside, look carefully to see if you can see any minibeast.

They are hiding everywhere! Be careful not to hurt them, they are very delicate.


Have a go at guessing the minibeasts hiding in these pictures. 

Click the picture to find out what minibeast it is!

Click the picture to find out what minibeast it is!


Finally, a really tricky one!


Click the picture to find out what minibeast it is!


If you have a garden or an outside space, why don’t you try making a bug hotel.

Click here for help to build a bug hotel



If you have a garden or when you go out for a walk, why don’t you look for places where you might find snails?


 Count how many you find and keep a record of them. You could do this for a day or a whole week.

Listen to the book ‘One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab.’ 

Can you make numbers by using the amount of feet the animals represent.


How many different ways can you represent 6, 8, 10.

How many animals did you use to represent your number?

Can you make it with more animals?

Can you make it with fewer animals?

Can you make a teen number ?


Can you find one more or one less of the food below?

If you had one more plum, how many would you have altogether?

If you had one less pear, how many would you have altogether?

Use objects around your house such as Lego bricks or dried pasta to find one more or one less.

Roll the dice below and carefully write down the number.

Click here to roll dice

Make the number using objects then find one more.

Now write your new number down.

Challenge yourself by finding one less as well.

Remember, the number gets BIGGER when you find one more and smaller when you find one less.

Have a go at some of the minibeast craft activities below.

Use a potato masher to paint a very hungry caterpillar. Remember to clean it before you use it again… green mashed potato! Yuck!


Use an egg box to make a lumpy, bumpy caterpillar.




Find a stone from the beach and paint it to look like a minibeast! We’d love to see how creative you can be.

Tricky Words

Practise reading, spelling and writing these tricky words. Once you have learned some of them, have a go at saying them in a sentence.