Devonshire Infant School

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Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Parents
  2. Remote Learning
  3. Activities by Year Group
  4. Year 1 Activities 3


Activities 3

Year 1



Keep a diary every day for a week.

Draw a picture of something you have done and then write some sentences about it.

Try and remember our Year 1 writing skills:Keep a diary every day for a week.

Draw a picture of something you have done and then write some sentences about it.

Try and remember our Year 1 writing skills:

  • Capital letters and full stops
  • Spelling tricky words correctly
  • Using ‘and’ to join ideas
  • Use time connectives ‘Then’ ‘Later’ ‘After’ ‘Next’ ‘Finally’
  • Remember to join your handwriting if you can

Maths Challenges




What if Rosie has 20p to spend?

Henry chose 8 sweets, what could he buy?

Choose which sweets you would like to buy. How much would they cost?

How much would it cost to buy 5 choko bars? How much would it cost to buy 10 chews?

Can you find the answer by counting in 2’s or 5’s?



Use the language ‘full’, ‘half’, ‘quarter’ and ‘three quarter’ to describe turns made by shapes/objects.

Try drawing what shapes will look like once it has been turned:

Use words ‘forwards’, ‘backwards’, ‘left’ and ‘right’ to describe position and direction.

You could explore giving each other instructions to move around your room.



Practice using key words like ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘finally’, ‘before’ and ‘after’ to describe, sort and order events such as talking about your day.

Can you chant the days of the week and months of the year?

Practice telling the time focusing on o’clock and half past times.

You may like to use one of these links to download and make your own clock:

Clock face template

Clock template


 Click here for a clock that you can use to practice making different times.


Click here if you would like to download, print and practice sheets telling and making the time.


However, the most important thing is to practice telling the time on analogue clocks at home.



Explore finding half and then a quarter of a shape or group of objects.

It is important that children know that half is ‘one of two equal parts’ and one quarter is ‘one of four equal parts’.

Click here for a good introduction video


Try collecting 4, 8, 12,16 or 20 objects from around your house.

Can you find one half or one quarter of each group?


Here are some links to games you might like to play:

Firepit Fractions



Problem Solving






Aluminium Boat Challenge

  • Fill a sink/bin/bowl/bath with water.
  • Make a boat with aluminium foil that floats on water! Give your boat a name!
  • How many rocks/Legos/coins can your boat hold without sinking? Find other objects around the house to test.
  • What were the heaviest things you used? What were the lightest?
  • Make another boat. What could you do to make it even stronger than the first boat