Devonshire Infant School

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023 9273 4902

Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Parents
  2. Remote Learning
  3. Activities by Year Group
  4. Year 1 Activities 2


Activities 2

Year 1



Listen to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Retell the story. Ask other people in your family to join in with the characters.


Draw a picture of your own giant. Write adjectives to describe it round the outside. Put some of your adjectives into sentences.

Maths Challenges

Start from the number


Count forwards to 100.

Now count backwards to 0.

Will I say the number


when I am counting in 2’s, 5’s or 10’s? 

Prove it.

The number is


How many different ways can you make it?

Fill a container full or water.

Find a bigger container to fill.

How many small containers does it take to fill the big container?

Have a look at a clock.

Which numbers are on it?

Look at the different size hands.

Ask a grown up to tell you when it is something o’clock.

Understand the value of each coin to 20p.

Can you make 10p using coins?

Now make it a different way. How many ways can you make 10p?

Now try making 12p. How many different ways can you find?

Solve a problem

Don’t forget you can use objects around the house to help you solve these.


When you next go outside have a look at the trees and other plants. How have they changed since winter? What other signs of Spring can you see?
Can you draw a picture of Spring? What kinds of things would you see?

Design and Technology


Lego bridge challenge

  • Draw a river on a piece of paper (you can decide how wide it will be!)
  • Build a bridge that will reach across the water without touching the water!
  • You can use any building items you may have such as Lego, lolly sticks, washed recycled items (junk modelling) , whatever you can find.

  • Extension 1 : See how much weight your bridge can hold by placing different items on the bridge.
  • Extension 2: Explore some famous bridges! Look up some information about famous bridges! Look up some information about famous bridges, look at photos of famous bridges and learn about the architects who designed them.